
-IFS Logistic certification
We have recently startet the proces to achieve IFS Logistic certification. This is one of the steps to become a transport company that are able to deliver a complete transport solution with focus on the quality of of the goods. We want to make sure that our costumers experience the complete feeling of safety during the transport of the goods.

“IFS Standards are developed for and through all involved parties in the supply chain, which would like to use uniform standards to ensure safety and quality of food and non-food products and related services”

IFS Mission Statement

-21 New frigo trailers

We have just replaced 21 pcs. refrigerated trailers with the new Schmitz trailers. These trailers are equipped with double compartment, flowers broad, pallet box, partition wall, lift, tracking and constant temperature monitoring. We threfore maintainour material replacing principle where we replace our trailers after 4 years.

We have also introduced our new slogan “We Are Better”. We always try to offer  more to customers than the competitors and especially deliver the best service ind the branch.